In this podcast, I will explore, discuss, debate, and have intellectual conversations about a variety of topics that matter most.

November 14, 2024

Family Allegiance: The Intricate Web of Unquestioning Loyalty

Family Allegiance: The Intricate Web of Unquestioning Loyalty - Unquestioning family allegiance is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human relationships. It can provide a sense of belonging, support, and love, but it can also stifle personal growth and autonomy. #family #holiday #loyalty
November 14, 2024

Hakeem Jeffries: A Beacon of Hope for House Speaker?

As the political landscape continues to shift, the name Hakeem Jeffries has emerged as a potential candidate for the coveted position of House Speaker. With his infectious charisma and unwavering dedication, Jeffries has captivated both his colleagues and constituents alike. Could this rising star be the one to lead the House of Representatives into a brighter, more progressive future? Let's delve into the story of this charismatic powerhouse and explore the possibilities. I urge you to read the accompanying article to this podcast at and follow my podcast videos on Youube @ @msfeliciarayco #cccwithfelicia #podcast #listen #watch #hakeemjeffries
November 14, 2024

Who is Hamas and Why Did They Attack Israel?

At the heart of Hamas lies a blend of politics, religion, and rebellion. Their ideology, rooted in Islamic fundamentalism, serves as the impetus for their audacious acts. Armed with an arsenal of strategies including armed resistance, social services, and political maneuvering, Hamas has become a force to be reckoned with. Their ability to weave mischief into their political agenda has made them a formidable presence, captivating the attention of the world and leaving us all eager to decipher their agenda.
November 14, 2024

Money. Power. Respect. Podcast Official Trailer

Hi! My name is Felicia Ray Owens. In this podcast, I will explore, discuss, debate and have intellectual conversations about a variety of topics that matter most. These topics include, but are not limited to political issues, issues in the realm of race, music, fashion, and culture. Some topics may be controversial and some may even be uncomfortable, but we can’t close our eyes and pretend these subjects aren’t real. I don’t particularly like “The News”, but I feel it is my responsibility as a member of society to be informed about literally EVERYTHING.
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